EUREKA, CA – The Sequoia Park Zoo Conservation Lecture Series has gone VIRTUAL for 2020/21 and the last virtual lecture of this season is scheduled for Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM on Zoom and Facebook Live. Marie Martin of Oregon State University’s Institute for Natural Resources will present “Exploring the Behavior of Pacific Martens in Lassen National Forest, CA.”
Zoo updates and information will begin at 6:45 PM with the lecture starting at 7:00 PM promptly. As a security feature, lecture attendees are required to have a free registered Zoom account available online at On the date of the lecture, simply log in to your Zoom account and then click the provided Zoom link at or on our social media.
Virtual lecture attendees can ask questions to the speaker at the end of the presentation via the chat box on Zoom or Facebook Live comments. Special thanks to Papa & Barkley for sponsoring the Conservation Lecture Series!
Understanding how animals interact with their surrounding environment is an essential part of conservation. This is particularly true in modern systems, where climate change and land-use change can alter the structure, connectivity, and conditions of the landscapes that animals inhabit. During this seminar, Marie will discuss how seasonality, forest structure, and changing landscape conditions can affect the behavior and ecology of a small forest carnivore, the Pacific marten, and what these changes might mean for similar species. Marie Martin is an ecologist interested in the physiology, movement, and behavior of wildlife, with a particular focus on species of conservation concern. Currently, she works for the Institute for Natural Resources in Portland, OR where she studies the ecology of mammalian communities and their responses to changes in land-use, climate, and wildfire regimes in the western United States. When Marie isn’t working on the computer or collecting data in the field, she enjoys birding, biking, knitting, and hanging out with her partner and their two dogs.
If you would like help with the Zoom app or account creation, please email by March 15 for troubleshooting assistance.
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