Virtual Conservation Lecture 2/16

The Sequoia Park Zoo Conservation Lecture Series is VIRTUAL for 2021/2022 and the fourth virtual lecture is scheduled for Wednesday, February 16, 2022 at 6:45 PM. Dr. Ho Yi Wan will be joining us from the Wildlife Department at Cal-Poly Humboldt to discuss “We Are All Connected: Understanding the Importance of Connectivity Conservation and Management.” Zoo updates and information will begin at 6:45 PM with the lecture starting at 7:00 PM promptly. Attendees can ask questions to the speaker at the end of the presentation via the chat box on Zoom. Logging in through a free, registered Zoom account is required, or attendees can watch live on the Sequoia Park Zoo’s Facebook page. The Zoom link will be available on our website at and on our social media. Special thanks to Papa & Barkley for sponsoring the Conservation Lecture Series!

As human footprints continue to expand into natural ecosystems and accelerate habitat loss and fragmentation, many wildlife populations have become increasingly isolated with some facing the risks of local extinction. Understanding the connectedness among habitat remnants and how species move between them has become a major area of research. In this seminar, Dr. Ho Yi Wan will share the secret recipe for ecological connectivity models. He will demonstrate some of the latest techniques that researchers use to identify movement corridors and promote connectivity, and provide real examples on how it applies to habitat management and wildlife conservation.

Dr. Ho Yi Wan is an assistant professor of spatial ecology with the Department of Wildlife at Cal-Poly Humboldt, and the director of the Spatial Ecology and Conservation Science Lab. He has established a strong international presence through his research, leading multiple projects across four continents. His research aims to understand the drivers of change on natural resources at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Some of his current projects include development of multi-scale wildlife habitat and connectivity models, climate change scenario models, and human wildlife conflict models. Dr. Wan is also an advocate in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion. His lab represents a microcosm of diversity and inclusion and has attracted students from an array of backgrounds. He loves spending time in the outdoors, and enjoys eating good food with his family.

If you would like help with the Zoom app, please email by February 14 for troubleshooting assistance.

What:                    FREE Virtual Conservation Lecture on Zoom: We Are All Connected: Understanding the Importance of Connectivity Conservation and Management

When:                    Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Zoo Information begins at 6:45 PM

Lecture 7:00 PM

Where:                  Online via

Cost:                      FREE

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 2562 1519

Passcode: 582545

Join Zoom Meeting by Phone:

+16699006833,,86225621519#,,,,*582545# US (San Jose)

Sequoia Park Zoo inspires conservation of the natural world by instilling wonder, respect and passion for wildlife.

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All Photos Attached: Courtesy Dr. Ho Yi Wan.